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Followup on Estrogen Patches

14 Nov
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HRT / Endocrinology Followup

23 Oct

I saw my endocrinologist this morning, in person, for the first time since the pandemic started. We’d been in touch via telemedicine / patient portal messaging, but it’s always nice to have that personal touch occasionally. His location is inconvenient, and he only sees patients on Monday mornings. He is absolutely worth the hassle.

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HRT and Epilepsy

1 Feb

TIL. Well, okay, yesterday I learned. No, not from the doctor. I just had begun to notice that my breasts seem to be growing again. As it happens, I’ve got an appointment with an endo who specializes in transgender HRT on next Monday. So I decided to search hormones and epilepsy. This might be about to get interesting, in the “May you live in interesting times” curse definition of interesting.

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Not much of interest to report

27 Aug

Well, except that I’m now living in Atlanta. My son-in-law got a new job here in Atlanta. He started in July (on my birthday coincidentally) and we all moved here. If you follow along with me at all, you know that I telecommute. My physical location has absolutely nothing to do with my ability to perform my job, as long as I have reliable internet service. I’ve informed my employer about the move. It’s a non-issue to them. So that’s that. Hello Atlanta, goodbye rural Arkansas. Continue reading

Various asides

1 Mar
  • Roommate and I decided to take the day off from the gym today. We needed the break. Between residual from Monday’s slip and fall, and getting my butt kicked yesterday by the trainer, I definitely need to let the muscles have a day for just rebuilding.
  • Have to go to the pharmacies today to get my prescriptions refilled. I’m out of one, and will be out of the other two tomorrow.
  • Insomnia is still kicking my ***, but at least the depression is improving. Oh, I haven’t mention the return of my depression here, have I? Yeah, it cam back full force a few weeks ago, and I started St. John’s Wort for it last week. It’s helping a lot.

Been away for a long time

1 Feb

I know, you thought I didn’t exist any more. I do. I just haven’t felt like blogging in quite a while. There wasn’t really anything I wanted to write about. Well that’s technically not true, but parties involved have asked me to keep the interesting stuff private.

I’m living full-time, socially, as a woman. I’ve been on hormones since July 2011, and all seems to be going well in that area. I still wear a wig since I’m prematurely bald. I’ve got a new lace front human hair wig on order from a wig store down in Houston. I expect to have it later this month. I’m really excited about that!

I moved to a northern suburb in April 2012. I could no longer afford to live alone, and it really wasn’t good for my mental health to be surrounded by all the mementos of my time with Barbara. I gave all of that stuff to my heart-daughter. She promised to just hold it for me against the day I want it back.

I now live with a couple I’ve known for many years, and who accept me unequivocally. We share living expenses, and it’s really working well for me. I still telecommute most of the time, and I’m still not out at work. That is my biggest remaining stressor in my life now.

So, that’s the update from me. I’ll try to find something to share more frequently in the future.

HRT has begun!

28 Jul

Quoted from a private FB post:

Well, once again I have proven that I worry for nothing more often than not. Doctor appt today was perfect, and I have officially begun my HRT!

Another step scheduled

7 Jan

I made an appointment today to visit Legacy Community Health to hopefully begin my HRT. The earliest appointment available was just over two weeks out. Continue reading

Another milestone under my belt

4 Jan

Well, that’s one more potentially uncomfortable conversation done. Continue reading

Checking In

25 Dec

An online friend (no link, she’s not out to everyone) wrote recently about her journey into womanhood, and the progress she was making. Her post prompted me to reply with my own update. Her post is friends only, so I thought I should share those thoughts here as well, for those (if any) who are following my journey. Continue reading