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Loop recorder implantation, and Shingrix

18 Jan
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Quick update regarding the AFib scare

26 Oct

A home of our own.

22 Jun

Well, actually, a townhome. But we have an address again. Just Vanessa and I. We pay the rent, utilities, etc. We will furnish it. We finally got our belongings out of storage and back in our possession.

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Southern move cancelled

17 Feb

We just received word that our offer to move in with the friend in Florida has been rescinded. No idea what we’ll do now but there’s certainly nothing we can do tonight.

Today’s appointments

8 Feb

I’ll write more later. For now, the MRI found no structural abnormality. This is good news. No tumors, lesions, etc.

Additionally, I like the new Gender Specialist doctor. I can work with him.

So all in all, good outcomes.

Nice surprise in the mail

26 Feb

I got a letter from the IRS yesterday. No really, it was a nice surprise. I’m not being facetious. Continue reading


Tried to go out last night

19 Jan

I tried to go out last night, and ended up totaling my car. And it wasn’t even really my car. It was Barbara’s car. At least that is what the title says. No one was hurt, but I was ticketed for failure to control speed. Fine is $270, which I can ill afford, now that I have no car. Life sucks a bit right now.


Been Absent A While

18 Jan

I know I have been AWOL for a bit. I’ve had some issues with fibromyalgia that have made it a challenge for me to even manage my IADLs. Sleep is still problematic. I’ve slept anywhere from 8 – 10 hours a day, and it’s still at least two hours after I wake before it feels like my head is clear enough to do anything. And of course, pain is a constant companion when I am up and about. I have to admit, I miss Cymbalta’s effect on my pain.

So, yes, I am still here.