
Southern move cancelled

17 Feb

We just received word that our offer to move in with the friend in Florida has been rescinded. No idea what we’ll do now but there’s certainly nothing we can do tonight.



23 Mar

Salesman just came to door trying to sell carpet cleaning. Even though I almost certainly have 5 o’clock shadow, he opens with “How are you doing ma’am?” 😀   So I guess this day is not totally fired.

BTW: All wood floors here.



22 Mar

Well, as predicted, the possible third roommate flaked. The good news is that we had a waiting list for space, and we have moved on. A couple have decided to take our remaining room. Looking forward to their arrival the first weekend of April!


Tried to go out last night

19 Jan

I tried to go out last night, and ended up totaling my car. And it wasn’t even really my car. It was Barbara’s car. At least that is what the title says. No one was hurt, but I was ticketed for failure to control speed. Fine is $270, which I can ill afford, now that I have no car. Life sucks a bit right now.


Been Absent A While

18 Jan

I know I have been AWOL for a bit. I’ve had some issues with fibromyalgia that have made it a challenge for me to even manage my IADLs. Sleep is still problematic. I’ve slept anywhere from 8 – 10 hours a day, and it’s still at least two hours after I wake before it feels like my head is clear enough to do anything. And of course, pain is a constant companion when I am up and about. I have to admit, I miss Cymbalta’s effect on my pain.

So, yes, I am still here.