Tag Archives: Single payer

Will You Cry for Me, John Boehner?

19 Jan

Tell Speaker Boehner Who He Should be Crying For
Below, share your personal struggle with the healthcare system (anonymously if you prefer) or share other reasons for concern (like how millions will fall into poverty if Congress cuts Medicare) with Speaker Boehner.

Will You Cry for Me, John Boehner?

I shared my story, or is it Barbara’s? Continue reading

Talk about an understatement… PBS admits ignoring single payer was a mistake

26 Apr

Healthcare-NOW! – PBS ombudsman: Ignoring single payer was a mistake

Yes, PBS Frontline erred by not covering single payer in their program Obama’s Deal. More importantly, in my mind, they erred significantly in the manner of editing the interview with Dr. Flowers of PHNP. Continue reading

Help Me Change America

15 Jan

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s a movement of citizens inspired by the presidential campaign who are deciding the top 10 ideas for how they think the Obama administration should change America. It’s called “Ideas for Change in America,” and it’s being run by Change.org.

One idea is titled: Free Single Payer Health Care. I thought you might be interested in getting involved and recommend you check it out. You can read more and vote for the idea by clicking the following link:


The top 10 ideas are going to be presented to the Obama administration at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC next week and will be supported by a national lobbying campaign run by Change.org in partnership with leading nonprofits after the Presidential Inauguration. So each idea has a real chance at becoming policy.

Thanks for the help!