Tag Archives: shingles

Shingrix vaccination (shingles)

19 Oct

I received the first of two in a series of Shingrix vaccines Tuesday 17-October. The actual vaccination was straightforward, and not at all unpleasant.

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Another ER visit

13 Apr

To start with, I’m fine. I went on Monday 12-April, and ended up spending the entire day getting checked out. I checked in at 11:45am. It was about 6:00 pm when I was released.

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Barbara is settled comfortably

10 Apr

She’s at Kindred (Room 301) and has already been seen this morning by wound care. She has also had her rehab consult. Rehab will begin in earnest on Monday. There is a good chance that I will be able to go back to be with her beginning then as well. My shingles are improving very quickly. Valtrex in the first 24 hours of an outbreak makes a significant difference!

Originally posted at http://wyldraven.dreamwidth.org/562717.html

Done with ICU!

9 Apr

Barbara is leaving from Hermann ICU sometime this evening. She is transferring back to Kindred for wound care and rehab. This is a very good sign of progress. Let the celebrations begin!

Now if only my shingles will improve enough for me to visit her.

Originally posted at http://wyldraven.dreamwidth.org/562481.html

More good news

7 Apr

No seriously. It is good news! Barbara has been moved from the ICU unit to a regular floor. I don’t have the room number yet. She was supposed to call me and let me know after she is settled. If you have a direct line into the hospital, that number rings in the ICU room she was in. So you can dispose of that number now.

No, that doesn’t mean I can go see her. I have to stay away from all patients until I am no longer contagious. Chickenpox can kill adults, especially ones who are already weakened from surgery or illness. I don’t need that bad karma.

Originally posted at http://wyldraven.dreamwidth.org/562001.html

Shingles update / Barbara update

7 Apr

Doctor was not entirely convinced it is shingles, but she did think it probably is. Problem is it is very rare for it to occur bilaterally. I have it in both ears, as well as a more typical line across my chest from just between the nipples to right shoulder.

She gave me valacyclovir (Valtrex) 1000 mg PO q12h x7 and triamcinolone acetonide cream bid. I’m already on neurontin for my fibro and epilepsy, so the pain is well covered. As a matter of fact, one of the reasons she was confused about it being shingles was that she thought I should already be in agony from the outbreak I have. When I reminded her I was on neurontin, that seemed to explain that anomaly to her satisfaction. In me, my increase in pain at the actual site is minor, while I seem to be having an overall increase in fibro pain. So I am guessing the neurontin is now suppressing the shingles pain and not as available for the fibro. But IANAMD, so take that for what it’s worth.

Barbara is going for another abdominal CT scan today. The doctors still can’t find the reason for her steadily increasing white blood cell count. She has no symptoms other than the lab result. Nothing is growing in the cultures, she has no fever, and she has no abnormal pain. So they are looking inside for any possible problems with the surgical repair.

Originally posted at http://wyldraven.dreamwidth.org/561690.html

Can it get any more fun?

6 Apr

Well, this is grand. I woke up this morning with what is apparently an active case of shingles (herpes zoster) on my chest and ears. I have an appointment with my doctor at 3:15pm CT to confirm it. I am barred from visiting Barbara at the unit where she is because (and I didn’t know this) shingles can give chickenpox to anyone not already immune.

Barbara is in a transplant ICU because of who her surgeon is. That means other patients in that unit are purposely immune compromised. Hospital tells me that if this is confirmed to be shingles, I have to wait until it dries and crusts over before I can come back.

Herpes zoster – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Originally posted at http://wyldraven.dreamwidth.org/561651.html