Tag Archives: path to 9/11

Keith Olbermann speaks truth to power, again

11 Sep

Keith Olbermann: This hole in the ground (MSN Video, requires IE)
Sept. 11: “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann offers a special comment about 9/11 five years after the terrorist attacks.
Video Transcript

Read this. Now.

9 Sep


You simply must.

ETA: And when you have done so, go read this.

Activism – “Path to 9/11” – Ask the FEC to step in as well

9 Sep

Action page can be found here.

My letter to the FEC

More on ABC’s Path to 9/11

9 Sep

Turns out that it was created by Dominionist right wing Christian organizations. Further analysis of the links to Dominionism can be found in the comments to this entry in the community. dogemperor clearly lays out the lines of parentage here.

Excerpt: Continue reading

Action Alert: ABC’s false docu-drama on 9/11

8 Sep

ABC: Cancel Biased 9/11 “Docu-drama”
by ActForChange

Since publishing our original action alert regarding ABC’s inaccurate and biased “docu-drama” to be broadcast on Sept. 11th, we’ve learned even more disturbing details about the show – which is scheduled to occupy six hours of prime time television, less that two months before an important national election.

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It was Clinton’s fault?

5 Sep

Tell ABC to Tell the Truth About 9/11
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