Tag Archives: life

Father’s Day

18 Jun

In short, this is not a happy day for me. My own father was emotionally (and occasionally physically) abusive, when he was around, which wasn’t that much. He was committed to “make a man out of” me in the years he was around. You can imagine how well that turned out.

When I finally came out, and started living as my true self, he disappeared completely from my life. I have not heard from him at all in over seven years. He knows how to reach me if he wanted. His current wife is on Facebook, and I also have a cousin on his side who is occasionally in touch.

And as for the fact that I have children of my own? They also dropped out of my life. We were in touch up until about a year after my social transition. Since then, nothing. My daughter didn’t even see fit to tell me when she gave birth. Twice. About the time I transitioned, their mother was whispering in their ears that I was abusive during our failed marriage, and that was the reason for her mental illness.

So, no one is offering me gifts, or well wishes, on this day of celebrating fathers. And before you ask, no one did so on Mother’s Day either. I have made a family of choice. That’s sufficient for me now.



23 Mar

Salesman just came to door trying to sell carpet cleaning. Even though I almost certainly have 5 o’clock shadow, he opens with “How are you doing ma’am?” 😀   So I guess this day is not totally fired.

BTW: All wood floors here.ï»ż

Tile skating

25 Feb

If you’ve ever been to my current home when it was raining, you probably know that the back patio is extremely slippery when wet. It rained a good bit this morning before I left to go to the gym for my workout. Since my roommate was driving today, and her car was in the garage, we went out the back door headed to the garage. I bet you can see where this is going, can’t you?
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I of I

15 Feb

I know some of you are already rolling your eyes at the sugary sweet memory I am about to share, and some of you have no idea what is coming. Continue reading

Strange new sleep development

26 Dec

It’s nothing new that I haven’t been going to sleep at what would be considered a normal time for me. For months now, I’ve slept between four and six hours a night on average, beginning between 1am and 3am. Before, when Barbara was at home, I tended to be ready for bed and asleep no later than about 11pm, and would sleep for eight to nine hours a night. Continue reading

Quick update

16 Dec

Fibromyalgia is still flaring, but the warmer weather seems to have helped. I don’t do well with cold. That’s one of the main reasons I avoided moving to where Barbara would have preferred to live.

Finances are still tight, but I am holding my own. I’m still working my way through bulk foods bought when K and T were still here. Frozen, canned, dried. Might as well use it while I can.

I’m crying less, and when I do, I can name the specific trigger for the tears. So I guess that’s progress. My therapist has made some recommendations on where I should focus my energy that, while I see the purpose, I am not entirely comfortable with. Still thinking that over.

I did the homework he gave me. It wasn’t any easier than I thought it would be when he first gave it to me two weeks ago. Nonetheless, he seemed satisfied with it. I guess that’s good too.

I’m just taking things day by day now. I still can’t see my future, or really my motivation. It takes time, and I refuse to be rushed by people who don’t know what this is like.

Dinner and movie

13 Dec

The dinner party turned out well. We had much fun, lots of good food, good company, and good laughs. Continue reading

Today is Barbara’s birthday

12 Dec

It doesn’t matter that she is no longer here. December 12th will be her birthday as long as I draw breath. Ancient Egyptians believed that as long as your name was remembered, you would live on eternally. Every day, but most especially today, I remember the name of Barbara Allen Underwood Shaw. Continue reading

Fun with MUD

9 Dec

No, not mud, as in the mixture of soil and water. No, I am talking about a MUD, as in Municipal Utility District, or the infamous providers of sewer and water services to most of Suburban Texas. Continue reading

Six months ago, or “A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime?”

8 Dec

June 8. Six months ago. And I am still here, and slowly getting better. I wonder still if I will ever be better. Or is grief, like life, a journey with only one way out? Will I grieve the rest of my life? While talking about that with a friend online, she reminded me of this old quote, the source of which is elusive.

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