Tag Archives: coming out

Of friends, family, weddings, and backboards

25 Apr

Recently, I attended the wedding (“for all time” hand-fasting actually) of a couple who were more than mere friends. Barbara and I had known them for as many years as we had known each other. We had become close enough that we thought of them as family of choice, beyond mere friendship. Attending their wedding was a really big deal for me, in more ways than one. Continue reading

Coming out

15 Jan

I am slowly coming out to more of my friends, and close family I have not seen in a while. It’s scary not knowing how they will react. So far, those who have reacted at all have been accepting. Continue reading

Another milestone under my belt

4 Jan

Well, that’s one more potentially uncomfortable conversation done. Continue reading

An email to close friends

26 Dec

Shared without further comment. Note: The COGIATI is generally considered junk science at this point.
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More about coming out

23 Jun

At dinner Monday night, I came out to two more of my younger friends. I was at dinner after the memorial service for Barbara, and I, Shannon, and Charles were the last three to leave the restaurant. We stayed until well after it closed, and talked until well after 11pm.

As we were leaving, I told them about Janet. They recognized my photo from Facebook, and apparently had not connected the photo to my male persona, Ernie. I think that’s a good thing. It means that I really do look different as Janet than I do as Ernie. So long as I am closeted, that’s good.

Passing in public

23 Jun

A lot is made of the ability to ‘pass’ in public. Today, I went one step further than just passing. I hadn’t actually planned to go out today, but I got up and dressed anyway. It’s important to get dressed every day when you work from home, or working becomes really hard to do. Dressing gets you in the correct mind set. Continue reading


13 Mar
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Not exactly the typical male…

6 Aug

According to my browser history:

Likelihood of me being FEMALE is 99%
Likelihood of me being MALE is 1%

Try it here.

[Editor’s note: Seven months before I came out, even to myself…]