Tag Archives: activism

Why won’t they debate Iraq?

23 Mar

Here’s an opportunity to do something to bring the issue of the Iraq occupation to the House for open debate.

Exact text of action email from ActForChange.Com

Keep abortion available in South Dakota?

23 Mar

Ms. Fire Thunder and the Oglala Sioux Planned Parenthood

Go read the post. Make donations, or not, as you wish. Show support, or not… I intend to do so.

EDIT: Be informed. See this disclaimer also.

In addition, I won’t be responsible for you deciding to do this, or not.

You ask why I even bother?

18 Mar

History will scold those who stayed silent

I understand where Feingold and Conyers are coming from. Where good and frustrated people all over the country are coming from. History’s verdict is all we have left. And when tomorrow calls today to account, some of us want to be able to say, we stood up. We called out. We were not silent.

It is small solace, but it is solace, nonetheless.

I love Leonard Pitts. If you read me, you really should read him.

More on Senator Feingold’s censure resolution

16 Mar

Yesterday, in an interview for Fox News Radio, Senator Wayne Allard (R-CO) accused Senator Russ Feingold (D – WI) of “[siding] with terrorists” by introducing a resolution to censure George Bush.

Senator Feingold’s censure resolution seeks to hold the President accountable for authorizing a domestic spying program that clearly violates federal law and for misleading the country about its existence and its legality.

To question Senator Feingold’s patriotism and suggest that he is “siding with terrorists” by seeking to hold President Bush accountable for violating federal law is despicable.

Click on the following link to join me in calling on Senator Allard to apologize publicly:


Click on the following link for an audio clip of Allard’s attack on Senator Feingold:

EDIT: To clarify, I didn’t write this. It’s a direct lift from an action email.

X-posted to

8 Mar

Text of the letter I sent to Governor Mike Rounds of South Dakota.

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