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Out and About

17 Mar

I ventured out to dinner last night with a couple of friends. Had a great time. And introduced one friend to the wonder that is crab legs. King and snow.

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Carnations for Mother’s Day

6 May

I was out running a few errands today. Stopped in my local grocery to get a few items for tonight’s dinner. At checkout, the bagger handed me and my roommate each a yellow carnation, and wished us a Happy Mother’s Day. That felt so good.

Unfortunately, it came at the end of two hours of errands. As I’ve noted before, driving for any significant period of time tends to trigger my MPS (myofascial pain syndrome). Yeah, it’s flaring. Back pain is not fun.

Another first

1 May

So I got propositioned tonight.  Homeless drunk wanted to sleep with me. Oh, he built up to it, but he went there.  That’s another first for me.

Endings and Beginnings

20 Mar

My time in Texas has ended. That decision was in large part due to another ending. Back in mid February, an intense nine month love affair came to an end. She said she wanted to remain friends, and I did my best to do just that. It didn’t work out. So I left for “parts unknown”.
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Been away for a long time

1 Feb

I know, you thought I didn’t exist any more. I do. I just haven’t felt like blogging in quite a while. There wasn’t really anything I wanted to write about. Well that’s technically not true, but parties involved have asked me to keep the interesting stuff private.

I’m living full-time, socially, as a woman. I’ve been on hormones since July 2011, and all seems to be going well in that area. I still wear a wig since I’m prematurely bald. I’ve got a new lace front human hair wig on order from a wig store down in Houston. I expect to have it later this month. I’m really excited about that!

I moved to a northern suburb in April 2012. I could no longer afford to live alone, and it really wasn’t good for my mental health to be surrounded by all the mementos of my time with Barbara. I gave all of that stuff to my heart-daughter. She promised to just hold it for me against the day I want it back.

I now live with a couple I’ve known for many years, and who accept me unequivocally. We share living expenses, and it’s really working well for me. I still telecommute most of the time, and I’m still not out at work. That is my biggest remaining stressor in my life now.

So, that’s the update from me. I’ll try to find something to share more frequently in the future.

Well, that was easy

13 Jun

Nissan SentraOver the weekend, I discovered that I had a small chunk missing from the sidewall of the passenger side rear tire on my Nissan Sentra SE-R. Seeing as this is a performance car, the integrity of the tires is critical. So what’s my point? Continue reading

A good day today!

19 May

I had reason to go to the US Post Office today, to pick up a signature required package. If you’ve never had to do that, here’s a fact you may not know. Besides presenting the “We tried to deliver” notice, you also must present ID indicating you are the person to whom the item is addressed. Care to guess who the package was addressed to? Continue reading

Of friends, family, weddings, and backboards

25 Apr

Recently, I attended the wedding (“for all time” hand-fasting actually) of a couple who were more than mere friends. Barbara and I had known them for as many years as we had known each other. We had become close enough that we thought of them as family of choice, beyond mere friendship. Attending their wedding was a really big deal for me, in more ways than one. Continue reading

Interesting question

14 Mar

Yesterday, I stopped to buy gas, as my tank was low, and it’s a good idea to keep your tank full, even if the price is skyrocketing. I completed my purchase, and was busy recording odometer reading, etc in order to compute MPG. Suddenly, someone knocked on my car window, and startled me greatly.

I turned to see who was wanting my attention at a gas station. To my surprise, it was the attendant. Thinking that perhaps there had been some problem with my credit card, I opened the door to inquire as to the issue. To my great surprise, she looked at me, and asked “How many assholes do you run into in a day?” That caught me more than a bit off-guard, so I replied rather succinctly, “Too many.” As I waited for the punchline to what seemed that it must be a joke, she continued, “I hear you! We sisters have to stick together!”

At that point, I mumbled some sort of agreement, and she turned to return to her little booth. I finished recording my statistical data, all the while pondering the exchange. As I began to leave the station, I realized what must have prompted the attendant to approach me. On the rear window of my (new to me) car, I had recently placed an “EQTX” sticker from Equality Texas. That sticker was in the direct line of sight of the attendant’s booth.

If you are in Texas, and you don’t know about Equality Texas, I encourage you to visit their website and support their work any way you can. Even a simple window sticker can make a big difference! Thanks.

The past few days have generally been looking up

8 Feb

Late Saturday night (11pm), I bought a car, a 2009 Nissan Sentra SE-R, in cherry red. It’s in great shape, and I got a good deal on it. Continue reading