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Am I Trans Enough?

15 Apr

Have you asked yourself “Am I trans enough?” This is a particularly significant question for transgender people who waited until later in life to transition, or are only just now exploring their gender as adults. The standard narrative of “I knew since I was a child” and “I transitioned young” certainly is a feel good narrative. However, the alternative that turns out to be true for many, many people is that we knew something was wrong, but couldn’t understand what that something was. We went many years thinking that we were somehow wrong, and begrudgingly accepting that we were broken.

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Well, that was easy

13 Jun

Nissan SentraOver the weekend, I discovered that I had a small chunk missing from the sidewall of the passenger side rear tire on my Nissan Sentra SE-R. Seeing as this is a performance car, the integrity of the tires is critical. So what’s my point? Continue reading

Of friends, family, weddings, and backboards

25 Apr

Recently, I attended the wedding (“for all time” hand-fasting actually) of a couple who were more than mere friends. Barbara and I had known them for as many years as we had known each other. We had become close enough that we thought of them as family of choice, beyond mere friendship. Attending their wedding was a really big deal for me, in more ways than one. Continue reading

The past few days have generally been looking up

8 Feb

Late Saturday night (11pm), I bought a car, a 2009 Nissan Sentra SE-R, in cherry red. It’s in great shape, and I got a good deal on it. Continue reading

Coming out

15 Jan

I am slowly coming out to more of my friends, and close family I have not seen in a while. It’s scary not knowing how they will react. So far, those who have reacted at all have been accepting. Continue reading

Another milestone under my belt

4 Jan

Well, that’s one more potentially uncomfortable conversation done. Continue reading

Quite a day

28 Dec

Work slacked off around noon, so I decided to go ahead and get myself the Christmas present I decided on. I wanted a new hairstyle and color. My hair is now more in line with my natural color, though not quite as gray as I am naturally. No, no pictures yet. I’m just too worn out out to take a decent photo. (Believe me, I tried.) I think I like the new look, but it’s taking some getting used to. Continue reading

An email to close friends

26 Dec

Shared without further comment. Note: The COGIATI is generally considered junk science at this point.
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13 Mar
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Not exactly the typical male…

6 Aug

According to my browser history:

Likelihood of me being FEMALE is 99%
Likelihood of me being MALE is 1%

Try it here.

[Editor’s note: Seven months before I came out, even to myself…]