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A reminiscence of magic

6 Oct

Today, in response to a question on social media about a time you felt magic in your life, I responded thus.

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My tragic love life

26 Sep

I have been very unlucky in love for most of my life. This is going to get heavy, quickly. You have been warned.

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High School, Homecoming, Halloween, and Vampires

18 Aug

A reminiscence from my senior year of high school. I was more than a bit of a nerd. I had gotten involved with the theatre department, and actually had a role in the senior class production of The Music Man. As a result, I had actually garnered a couple of freshman groupies. But I digress from the story I’m here to tell. This came to my mind late last night, and I had to promise myself I would write it before I could get any sleep. I take those things pretty seriously, being that I am a witch.

Our homecoming game that year (1975) was on Halloween. The school planned a spirit week, including a costume day on Friday the 31st of October. I decided I would dress as a classic vampire: cloak, pale skin, fake teeth, blood dripping from the corner of my mouth. When I got to school that day, I discovered that two of my friends had made the same choice. We spent every spare moment that day hanging together and scaring the girls. I don’t think they were really scared, more startled at the most. But hey, it was Halloween. We had a really fun time that day.

The game was against our cross town rival, so there was a lot of excitement, on both sides. We had attracted the attention of the Principal of the school, not in a bad way. He told us he was worried about the possibility of a “rumble” breaking out at the game, and wanted to have us perform on the sidelines to relieve tensions. In other words, give the students on both sides something to take out their aggressions on in a controlled way. We agreed to do so, and started preparing for that event. We really just needed to refresh makeup, and maybe our slicked back hair.

When we were almost ready, about half an hour before the gates would open for the game, he approached us with a suggestion for an addition to our act. He thought we should carry a fake coffin as we made our rounds on the sidelines. It would be emblazoned with the name of our rival team. We initially agreed. Simple enough to construct a light weight box for that purpose.

Before we had constructed the box, we heard a truly sad piece of news. One of their cheerleaders had been killed that day in an auto accident. Their entire school was obviously grieving. Here’s the incredible bit. Our principal was not deterred at all from his suggestion. He still thought we should do the coffin. We were incredulous, and as one, told him that no way would we do that. I’m sure we lost some value in his eyes.

We did however do the vampire routine for the game. We had fun, and played it up really big. We got to meet cheerleaders for both teams, and hang out with them. It was a blast, but what really struck me was that it was our team’s fans who were obnoxious. They threw sodas and snacks onto the sidelines at us, yelled ugly insults, and were just generally jerks. The visiting team’s fans were friendly and kind. They invited us to sit with their band, and were generally all-around good sports.

I don’t remember if we won the game, because to be honest, sports were never my thing. What I’ll never forget is the general jerkish behavior of both my principal, and my team’s fans. Maybe the visitors would have been less friendly if they hadn’t suffered that loss. Who knows? But I’m not going to forget how that night turned out. I like to think we made a difference, and that the coffin stunt would have been a huge mistake.

Father’s Day

18 Jun

In short, this is not a happy day for me. My own father was emotionally (and occasionally physically) abusive, when he was around, which wasn’t that much. He was committed to “make a man out of” me in the years he was around. You can imagine how well that turned out.

When I finally came out, and started living as my true self, he disappeared completely from my life. I have not heard from him at all in over seven years. He knows how to reach me if he wanted. His current wife is on Facebook, and I also have a cousin on his side who is occasionally in touch.

And as for the fact that I have children of my own? They also dropped out of my life. We were in touch up until about a year after my social transition. Since then, nothing. My daughter didn’t even see fit to tell me when she gave birth. Twice. About the time I transitioned, their mother was whispering in their ears that I was abusive during our failed marriage, and that was the reason for her mental illness.

So, no one is offering me gifts, or well wishes, on this day of celebrating fathers. And before you ask, no one did so on Mother’s Day either. I have made a family of choice. That’s sufficient for me now.



23 Mar

Salesman just came to door trying to sell carpet cleaning. Even though I almost certainly have 5 o’clock shadow, he opens with “How are you doing ma’am?” 😀   So I guess this day is not totally fired.

BTW: All wood floors here.

Inevitable consequences of loss of income

26 Sep

When last I checked in, I had just heard about my salary being dropped to zero. I was left as a very part-time employee of the company that had employed me for the past 11 years. The loss of my income was felt, severely, by the household of which I have been a member for the last 18 months or so. As a refresher, I moved in with my daughter and her husband back in March of 2013, after that bad breakup.

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Not much of interest to report

27 Aug

Well, except that I’m now living in Atlanta. My son-in-law got a new job here in Atlanta. He started in July (on my birthday coincidentally) and we all moved here. If you follow along with me at all, you know that I telecommute. My physical location has absolutely nothing to do with my ability to perform my job, as long as I have reliable internet service. I’ve informed my employer about the move. It’s a non-issue to them. So that’s that. Hello Atlanta, goodbye rural Arkansas. Continue reading

Endings and Beginnings

20 Mar

My time in Texas has ended. That decision was in large part due to another ending. Back in mid February, an intense nine month love affair came to an end. She said she wanted to remain friends, and I did my best to do just that. It didn’t work out. So I left for “parts unknown”.
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Tile skating

25 Feb

If you’ve ever been to my current home when it was raining, you probably know that the back patio is extremely slippery when wet. It rained a good bit this morning before I left to go to the gym for my workout. Since my roommate was driving today, and her car was in the garage, we went out the back door headed to the garage. I bet you can see where this is going, can’t you?
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I of I

15 Feb

I know some of you are already rolling your eyes at the sugary sweet memory I am about to share, and some of you have no idea what is coming. Continue reading