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Pride 2024 – Episode Two

17 Jun
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Pride 2024

4 Jun
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Another Estrogen Patch Update

5 Jan
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Happy New Year!

1 Jan
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Transgender Day of Remembrance

20 Nov
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Followup on Estrogen Patches

14 Nov
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Estrogen patches

28 Oct
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HRT / Endocrinology Followup

23 Oct

I saw my endocrinologist this morning, in person, for the first time since the pandemic started. We’d been in touch via telemedicine / patient portal messaging, but it’s always nice to have that personal touch occasionally. His location is inconvenient, and he only sees patients on Monday mornings. He is absolutely worth the hassle.

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Sore equal more?

12 Mar

Sore = more, right? I’ve noticed some breast tenderness over the last couple of weeks, and I have been hesitant to say anything. I didn’t want to jinx it. So, here’s a new photo taken today.

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MRI of my brain

9 Feb

I had two appointments scheduled for yesterday. The second of those was for an MRI of my brain, looking for abnormalities that might explain my recent development of a seizure disorder. Bottom line: No abnormalities. No tumors, lesions, or evidence of prior stroke.

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