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Implant surgery update

2 May
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Spoonie News – Seizure?

2 Nov

I apparently had another seizure early this morning. I spent at least six hours in a severe postictal state. Most of that time was spent essentially unconscious (very deep sleep). It was around 3 pm before I woke and felt mostly normal. I still have a bit of a headache, but that’s normal for me.

During the time I was conscious this morning, I was nauseous, vomiting, and so dizzy I could barely stand. Actually I couldn’t sit either, not even long enough to urinate. As soon as I got back to horizontal, and in bed, the dizziness,etc. stopped and I passed out within minutes.

No, I didn’t call the neurologist. He didn’t even respond to my call to the nurse back on June 5-6 when nearly the exact same thing happened. At least today I didn’t injure myself from convulsions. I have no memory of the seizure itself, but that too is normal for me. I never remember anything but the postictal period.

I didn’t feel like eating after I finally woke up, so today was a fasting day. I drank about 2/3 a normal day’s water. I’ll be going back to sleep relatively soon. I’m in bed with lights out while I type this.

I promise, I’m okay. Just another fun day in spoonie land.

Follow-up with Neurologist

11 Mar

Mostly uneventful. Discussed the side effects I’ve been experiencing from Keppra. He offered a few alternative choices. I’m to review them and their potential side effects. If I decide to change, I can let him know and we’ll go forward from there. I’ll probably do that over the weekend.

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EMS Bill

23 Feb

Over the weekend, I received the bill from the EMS company for my ambulance trip to the emergency room in October. It’s $1916.80. The trip was 4 miles, according to that bill. They charge $30.70 per mile for the actual transport. The rest, $1794, was for “ER Assessment”, whatever that is. I mean, sure, the EMT did check me out at the scene, for like 10 minutes. Is almost $1800 a fair price to pay for that?

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MRI of my brain

9 Feb

I had two appointments scheduled for yesterday. The second of those was for an MRI of my brain, looking for abnormalities that might explain my recent development of a seizure disorder. Bottom line: No abnormalities. No tumors, lesions, or evidence of prior stroke.

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Today’s appointments

8 Feb

I’ll write more later. For now, the MRI found no structural abnormality. This is good news. No tumors, lesions, etc.

Additionally, I like the new Gender Specialist doctor. I can work with him.

So all in all, good outcomes.

Emergency room bill

2 Feb

Back in October, I was in an automobile accident due to an apparent seizure. I’ve now seen the hospital portion of the ER bill. It was $58K+. My copay (because I’m charity without insurance) is $110. The largest portion of that bill is $28K for a CT Scan. The US healthcare system is insane.

EEG Report

1 Feb

I’ve seen my EEG report.

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HRT and Epilepsy

1 Feb

TIL. Well, okay, yesterday I learned. No, not from the doctor. I just had begun to notice that my breasts seem to be growing again. As it happens, I’ve got an appointment with an endo who specializes in transgender HRT on next Monday. So I decided to search hormones and epilepsy. This might be about to get interesting, in the “May you live in interesting times” curse definition of interesting.

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1 Feb

I’ve been mostly quiet about this topic so far, because I wasn’t convinced it was accurate. I was diagnosed, on the 7th of January, with a seizure disorder. Back in late October, I had an automobile accident. The accident was a result of an apparent syncope episode while I was behind the wheel. That, combined with a several month pattern of recurring muscle spasms, not helped by muscle relaxers, led my GP to refer me to a neurologist. I saw him on the 6th. We spoke for about 30 minutes about my concerns. He ordered an EEG that same day.

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