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Implant surgery update

2 May
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Autism and self-diagnosis

22 Oct

In the past few months, I have come to believe that I am probably autistic. I came to this conclusion based largely upon feedback from friends, and a bit of research online. I am very late to this realization, but the autistic community seems to mostly agree that self-diagnosis is valid. This is largely due to the extreme difficulty in obtaining an official diagnosis as an adult.

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Shingrix vaccination (shingles)

19 Oct

I received the first of two in a series of Shingrix vaccines Tuesday 17-October. The actual vaccination was straightforward, and not at all unpleasant.

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Spoonie News – Seizure?

2 Nov

I apparently had another seizure early this morning. I spent at least six hours in a severe postictal state. Most of that time was spent essentially unconscious (very deep sleep). It was around 3 pm before I woke and felt mostly normal. I still have a bit of a headache, but that’s normal for me.

During the time I was conscious this morning, I was nauseous, vomiting, and so dizzy I could barely stand. Actually I couldn’t sit either, not even long enough to urinate. As soon as I got back to horizontal, and in bed, the dizziness,etc. stopped and I passed out within minutes.

No, I didn’t call the neurologist. He didn’t even respond to my call to the nurse back on June 5-6 when nearly the exact same thing happened. At least today I didn’t injure myself from convulsions. I have no memory of the seizure itself, but that too is normal for me. I never remember anything but the postictal period.

I didn’t feel like eating after I finally woke up, so today was a fasting day. I drank about 2/3 a normal day’s water. I’ll be going back to sleep relatively soon. I’m in bed with lights out while I type this.

I promise, I’m okay. Just another fun day in spoonie land.

Follow-up with Neurologist

11 Mar

Mostly uneventful. Discussed the side effects I’ve been experiencing from Keppra. He offered a few alternative choices. I’m to review them and their potential side effects. If I decide to change, I can let him know and we’ll go forward from there. I’ll probably do that over the weekend.

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EMS Bill

23 Feb

Over the weekend, I received the bill from the EMS company for my ambulance trip to the emergency room in October. It’s $1916.80. The trip was 4 miles, according to that bill. They charge $30.70 per mile for the actual transport. The rest, $1794, was for “ER Assessment”, whatever that is. I mean, sure, the EMT did check me out at the scene, for like 10 minutes. Is almost $1800 a fair price to pay for that?

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MRI of my brain

9 Feb

I had two appointments scheduled for yesterday. The second of those was for an MRI of my brain, looking for abnormalities that might explain my recent development of a seizure disorder. Bottom line: No abnormalities. No tumors, lesions, or evidence of prior stroke.

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Today’s appointments

8 Feb

I’ll write more later. For now, the MRI found no structural abnormality. This is good news. No tumors, lesions, etc.

Additionally, I like the new Gender Specialist doctor. I can work with him.

So all in all, good outcomes.

Emergency room bill

2 Feb

Back in October, I was in an automobile accident due to an apparent seizure. I’ve now seen the hospital portion of the ER bill. It was $58K+. My copay (because I’m charity without insurance) is $110. The largest portion of that bill is $28K for a CT Scan. The US healthcare system is insane.

EEG Report

1 Feb

I’ve seen my EEG report.

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