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Checking In

25 Dec

An online friend (no link, she’s not out to everyone) wrote recently about her journey into womanhood, and the progress she was making. Her post prompted me to reply with my own update. Her post is friends only, so I thought I should share those thoughts here as well, for those (if any) who are following my journey. Continue reading

Oh The Price We Pay For Beauty

3 Jun

I have tried so many different methods of hair removal. I hate body hair, and I have way too much of it. I have shaved, waxed, used chemicals, and plucked. The hair I hate the most is that which is on the arms and legs. Let’s face it, other than facial hair, it’s the most noticeable, and we can’t cover our arms and legs with makeup. Continue reading


19 Aug

Last night, B completed the major work in process of late. I now have no leg hair, thanks to her efforts with waxing. My bust is also hair free, and I am now wearing a bra, panties, suntan pantyhose, t-shirt, and shorts. I am more comfortable than I have been in a long time. I won’t be going anywhere dressed this way (not like I could pass with the beard and bald head), but since I work from home, I can choose to dress this way often. And no, there are no photos…

Thanks to my love for her acceptance and loving assistance!