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Checking In

25 Dec

An online friend (no link, she’s not out to everyone) wrote recently about her journey into womanhood, and the progress she was making. Her post prompted me to reply with my own update. Her post is friends only, so I thought I should share those thoughts here as well, for those (if any) who are following my journey. Continue reading

New outfit!

17 Jul


Actually, it’s not that new, but it is the first time I’ve worn it. I really like it. I wore it to go pick up my daughter at work this afternoon.

My first dress!

20 Apr

I just got my first dress since “coming out”. It’s beautiful, and fits very well, especially since it’s mail order. Oh, I wish I had a decent camera! It’s this dress, in black like the main photo. My waist is slightly less pronounced than hers, but I do look good in it! Just ask B, who can’t seem to quit staring and muttering “bitch” under her breath…

Now I just need somewhere to wear it. I think I may need to take her to dinner soon. (Let the plotting begin…)

Further progress

20 Aug

Yesterday, I ordered my first pair of feminine shoes, the “Cassie” peep-toe cutout wedge, from OneStopPlus.Com. It’s a low heel, but baby steps are appropriate when beginning with heels. Turned ankles don’t look good, even in nice pantyhose.

Then later in the day, B had need of going downtown to the Medical Center to see one of her doctors. I changed from the shorts to a pair of khaki slacks. Everything else, including the bra and pink nail polish, stayed the same. We went to her appointment, and when that was done, headed back to our part of town.

By the time we got back to our stomping grounds, it was past dinnertime, so we decided to go to Jason’s Deli for a relatively healthy dinner. After dinner, we headed over to the local Barnes and Noble for our semi-regular book run. Now remember, all of this time, I’m wearing my 44B bra under a relatively tight, but opaque, t-shirt. I got a couple of sideways glances from people who may, or may not, have had a hint, but everything remained cool.

Overall, I found the experience liberating and quite enjoyable. That night, as we were getting ready for bed, I was moved to ask B what she thought of the name I was leaning toward for my feminine self, and she told me she thought it fit me well. What’s the name? Why Janet (SLUT!), of course. Not that I am a slut, but Janet (SLUT!) always produces that response, doesn’t she? 🙂 In any case, I’m glad to have named her. She is a big part of me.

Oh, and the reason for the current mood [bitchy]? A very annoying dog woke me up at 4:45 am, which explains why I am around at 6:20 am to make this post. That’s right, I couldn’t go back to sleep.


19 Aug

Last night, B completed the major work in process of late. I now have no leg hair, thanks to her efforts with waxing. My bust is also hair free, and I am now wearing a bra, panties, suntan pantyhose, t-shirt, and shorts. I am more comfortable than I have been in a long time. I won’t be going anywhere dressed this way (not like I could pass with the beard and bald head), but since I work from home, I can choose to dress this way often. And no, there are no photos…

Thanks to my love for her acceptance and loving assistance!