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Sore equal more?

12 Mar

Sore = more, right? I’ve noticed some breast tenderness over the last couple of weeks, and I have been hesitant to say anything. I didn’t want to jinx it. So, here’s a new photo taken today.

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Gender Center appointment

9 Feb

I had two appointments scheduled for yesterday. The first of those was an initial consult with a doctor in the Grady Hospital Gender Center. Basically, he’s a specialist in transgender internal medicine.

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Various asides

1 Mar
  • Roommate and I decided to take the day off from the gym today. We needed the break. Between residual from Monday’s slip and fall, and getting my butt kicked yesterday by the trainer, I definitely need to let the muscles have a day for just rebuilding.
  • Have to go to the pharmacies today to get my prescriptions refilled. I’m out of one, and will be out of the other two tomorrow.
  • Insomnia is still kicking my ***, but at least the depression is improving. Oh, I haven’t mention the return of my depression here, have I? Yeah, it cam back full force a few weeks ago, and I started St. John’s Wort for it last week. It’s helping a lot.

New wig

24 Feb

I picked up my new wig a few days ago, and took a picture that same evening with my cell phone. It’s not the greatest picture, but it will give you an impression of what I went for. A good quality lace cap human hair wig is not cheap. The photo is behind the curtain. I’m doing a big coming out here, so without further ado …
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Wow, what a compliment!

2 Jan

Unless you’ve been paying very close attention to my Twitter stream, it has probably escaped your notice that I have been attending Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church for the past several weeks. I’ve been going for a lot of reasons, but mostly for the sense of belonging. It’s nice to feel that I can be myself, fully, and no one is judging me negatively for it. Anyway, on to the compliment. Continue reading

Changed my mind about the photo

28 Dec

Hey, it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, right? So without further ado:

My new hairstyle

Checking In

25 Dec

An online friend (no link, she’s not out to everyone) wrote recently about her journey into womanhood, and the progress she was making. Her post prompted me to reply with my own update. Her post is friends only, so I thought I should share those thoughts here as well, for those (if any) who are following my journey. Continue reading

Night out: Social at the TG Center

20 Dec

I went out to the TG Center tonight, for what I thought was going to be my first meeting of Helping TransGenders Anonymous. I failed to take into account the holiday season though. Continue reading

About non-piercing nipple jewelry

13 Sep

It doesn’t work for me. That’s just one more problem with being genetically male. Oh, well. Back to planning a trip to the piercing salon, if money ever permits it.

To pierce, or not to pierce?

29 Jul

I have been thinking for a long time about nipple piercing. I love jewelry of all kinds. Continue reading