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Loop recorder implantation, and Shingrix

18 Jan
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Quick update regarding the AFib scare

26 Oct

A home of our own.

22 Jun

Well, actually, a townhome. But we have an address again. Just Vanessa and I. We pay the rent, utilities, etc. We will furnish it. We finally got our belongings out of storage and back in our possession.

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Southern move cancelled

17 Feb

We just received word that our offer to move in with the friend in Florida has been rescinded. No idea what we’ll do now but there’s certainly nothing we can do tonight.

Paganism and Gender Roles

2 Jun

A while back, I mused about gender roles in Paganism as part of another post.

[…] I do believe that this tendency to see deity and it’s representatives as so binary is an opportunity for that community to broaden it’s collective culture, and to become much more accepting.

That’s a topic on which I need to spend more time ruminating, and not really the point of this post. […]

Today I ran across a post on that very topic on Patheos that addresses my thoughts in a very coherent manner, while also expanding on it significantly. So I’m going to direct you, my reader, to that piece by River Enodian. It was written several years ago, but it still very relevant to my viewpoint.

You can find it here.

Today’s appointments

8 Feb

I’ll write more later. For now, the MRI found no structural abnormality. This is good news. No tumors, lesions, etc.

Additionally, I like the new Gender Specialist doctor. I can work with him.

So all in all, good outcomes.

Emergency room bill

2 Feb

Back in October, I was in an automobile accident due to an apparent seizure. I’ve now seen the hospital portion of the ER bill. It was $58K+. My copay (because I’m charity without insurance) is $110. The largest portion of that bill is $28K for a CT Scan. The US healthcare system is insane.



23 Mar

Salesman just came to door trying to sell carpet cleaning. Even though I almost certainly have 5 o’clock shadow, he opens with “How are you doing ma’am?” 😀   So I guess this day is not totally fired.

BTW: All wood floors here.



22 Mar

Well, as predicted, the possible third roommate flaked. The good news is that we had a waiting list for space, and we have moved on. A couple have decided to take our remaining room. Looking forward to their arrival the first weekend of April!

Nice surprise in the mail

26 Feb

I got a letter from the IRS yesterday. No really, it was a nice surprise. I’m not being facetious. Continue reading