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Transgender Day of Remembrance

20 Nov
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Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us

21 Feb

I’m not through this entire article yet. In fact, I’ve only read the first page, and I am already disgusted.

Will You Cry for Me, John Boehner?

19 Jan

Tell Speaker Boehner Who He Should be Crying For
Below, share your personal struggle with the healthcare system (anonymously if you prefer) or share other reasons for concern (like how millions will fall into poverty if Congress cuts Medicare) with Speaker Boehner.

Will You Cry for Me, John Boehner?

I shared my story, or is it Barbara’s? Continue reading

Fun with MUD

9 Dec

No, not mud, as in the mixture of soil and water. No, I am talking about a MUD, as in Municipal Utility District, or the infamous providers of sewer and water services to most of Suburban Texas. Continue reading


9 Dec

WikiLeaks. If you are at all informed, you’ve probably heard of the site. Maybe you have no idea what they do, or you do, and you just aren’t interested. Well, if you believe like me that the First Amendment was first for a reason, you should be interested. Credo Action is circulating a petition to save the site from what is tantamount to official oppression. See below the text of the email they are asking me to send to you, my dear reader. Continue reading

Noblesse oblige

2 Aug

Noblesse oblige

Noblesse oblige is the motto of the National Honor Society. But before I ever heard of NHS, I knew “noblesse oblige.” I learned it from a teacher in the sixth grade. I came up through school before “TAG” (talented and gifted) was well-known, maybe before the term existed. But my teacher recognized something in me.

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Sign of the Economy?

20 Jul

My 2002 Ford Explorer needs engine work, and I cannot afford to do it. I also really can’t afford to own an SUV and run it in this economy either. Back when I bought it, things were quite different. I was making close to three times what I make now, I had Barbara (who found that SUV for me), and we liked to camp out regularly. Oh, and gas cost about half of what it does now. An SUV made sense. Continue reading

Tell President Obama: Don’t Appeal DOMA Decision

9 Jul

From me via the Courage Campaign:

I just signed on to a letter from the Courage Campaign to President Obama asking him to not appeal a decision that gave us a major victory in the fight for equality for LGBT Americans.

On Thursday, a federal judge in Massachusetts ruled that part of the “Defense of Marriage Act” is unconstitutional — meaning that the federal government can no longer withhold recognition of same-sex marriages performed in states where such marriages are legal. It’s a major victory for equality. Now we need to make sure that President Obama preserves that victory by not appealing it.

Will you join me in signing this letter to President Obama? Just click on the link below to add your name:
