Covid-19, Vaccines, and Masks

27 Jul

While I have no official test results to confirm, it is highly likely that I had a mild case of Covid last week. I’ve been fully vaccinated (two doses of Pfizer) since 3-June. I didn’t require hospitalization, though at one point, I did consider calling an ambulance.

It’s likely that exposure to an anti-vaccine, anti-mask Lyft driver was the source of my illness. 45 minutes in an enclosed space, even though masked myself, was a very serious risk. The Delta variant is highly contagious, and is accounting for most of the cases still occurring. Yes, it’s statistically rare for fully vaccinated people to become infected, but it does happen. That’s what the 0.05% of breakthrough cases mean.

If you aren’t vaccinated, please give some consideration to getting vaccinated. I’m convinced that it’s only because I was vaccinated that I was able to stay home and quarantine, rather than have an ER visit followed by admission.

If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for the children in your life too young to be vaccinated, the immunocompromised for whom the vaccine does little, the elderly, and those with comorbidities.

COVID-19 Vaccine Reduces Severity, Length, Viral Load for Those Who Still Get Infected

4 Responses to “Covid-19, Vaccines, and Masks”

  1. ali redford July 27, 2021 at 11:15 pm #

    I’m glad you’re feeling better! Thank you for this important PSA, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Susan Lewis July 31, 2021 at 7:52 pm #

    Glad you’re better and thank you for posting; it’s important that people hear about it.

    Liked by 1 person

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