Follow-up with Neurologist

11 Mar

Mostly uneventful. Discussed the side effects I’ve been experiencing from Keppra. He offered a few alternative choices. I’m to review them and their potential side effects. If I decide to change, I can let him know and we’ll go forward from there. I’ll probably do that over the weekend.

Interesting moment during nurse vitals / weigh-in. The weather was rather nice, and I decided to wear a somewhat shorter dress (above the knees). Nurse who took vitals: Oh my! Look at you with your legs out for spring! Me: Yeah, but they’re so white. Nurse: You’ve got time to get some sun. Get on some shorts and start walking. Me, silently to myself: I have no shorts.

Shorts tend to be problematic for pre-op / non-op trans women.

2 Responses to “Follow-up with Neurologist”

  1. heatherperdigon March 11, 2021 at 11:24 am #

    Skorts sweetie – get you some skorts! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Janet Logan March 11, 2021 at 11:25 am #

      Not a bad idea. The last swimsuit I had had a skirt built-in and that worked pretty well. 😘


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