Archive | March, 2021

Out and About

17 Mar

I ventured out to dinner last night with a couple of friends. Had a great time. And introduced one friend to the wonder that is crab legs. King and snow.

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Sore equal more?

12 Mar

Sore = more, right? I’ve noticed some breast tenderness over the last couple of weeks, and I have been hesitant to say anything. I didn’t want to jinx it. So, here’s a new photo taken today.

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Follow-up with Neurologist

11 Mar

Mostly uneventful. Discussed the side effects I’ve been experiencing from Keppra. He offered a few alternative choices. I’m to review them and their potential side effects. If I decide to change, I can let him know and we’ll go forward from there. I’ll probably do that over the weekend.

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