Action Alert: ABC’s false docu-drama on 9/11

8 Sep

ABC: Cancel Biased 9/11 “Docu-drama”
by ActForChange

Since publishing our original action alert regarding ABC’s inaccurate and biased “docu-drama” to be broadcast on Sept. 11th, we’ve learned even more disturbing details about the show – which is scheduled to occupy six hours of prime time television, less that two months before an important national election.

  • The film – written by an avowed conservative activist – was provided in advance to approximately 900 right-wing bloggers and media personalities such as Rush Limbaugh. However, former President Bill Clinton and two of his cabinet officials were denied when they requested preview copies of the film. Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright has called the film – which includes several scenes with no basis in reality — “false and defamatory.”
  • In response to mounting pressure, the film’s producers are making some small changes…but according to conservative blogger Hugh Hewitt, “blame on the Clinton team is in the DNA of the project and could not be eradicated.”
  • ABC has teamed up with Scholastic Inc., a company that sells textbooks, to send letters to 100,000 teachers across the country offering free copies of the film and “study guides,” despite the fact that the film is a “docu-drama” in which important facts and events have simply been invented out of thin air.

From these latest developments, it’s become clear that this film was intended from the start to convince unknowing viewers that a false and conservative view of history is in fact the truth; lay blame at Bill Clinton’s feet (while completely omitting mention of the dozens of antiterrorism measures he tried to enact); and propagandize America’s schoolchildren with fiction masquerading as fact. It’s simply unacceptable.

Click through to follow up and tell ABC what you think about this propaganda piece.

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