Impeach Bush Yourself! (86-43)

27 Apr

Go here and download the forms.

That’s right, this is no lousy petition. There’s a little known clause of the “Jefferson Manual” which sets forth the various ways in which a president can be impeached. Only the House Judiciary Committee puts together the Articles of Impeachment, but that occurs after someone initiates the process. There are various ways in which the Committee can have the process initiated (most commonly by members of the House passing a resolution). But, one of the other methods put forth in the “Jefferson Manual” is for a citizen to submit a memorial. So, we’ve researched a successful memorial (memorial of Luke Edward Lawless, from March 30th, 1826 in regards to impeaching Federal Judge James H. Peck), and used it as a template for this memorial. Feel free to download it, print out TWO copies, fill in your relevant information in the blanks (name, State, etc.), and send one copy in.

The other copy hold on to until October 12th when we’re having everyone send in a copy.

That’s right, we’re having everyone send it in on the same date to have the greatest effect. We hope to flood the Judiciary Committee with sacks of mail, and cause a newsworthy event, to further pressure the Committee to act on the memorials.

Get the PDF to send in, and DIRECTLY impeach this president, click here!!

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