Support Feingold and the Call for Censure

23 Mar

Letter I wrote to my newspaper (at the request of MoveOn.Org):

Subject: Senator Feingold’s Call for Censure

In your recent article titled: “Feingold finds little support for Bush censure measure” Vice President Cheney is quoted:

“The outrageous proposition that we ought to protect our enemies’ ability to communicate as it plots against America poses a key test of our Democratic leaders,” he said. “Do they support the extreme and counterproductive antics of a few or do they support a lawful program vital to the security of this nation?

“The American people already made their decision,” Cheney added. “They agree with the president.”

The simple fact is that this is not an issue of terrorism. It is an issue of whether or not a sitting President can or will be held accountable for breaking the law of the nation, and violating his oath of office. The President had all the authority required to wiretap foreign nationals, by obtaining a warrant through FISA.

This is not a partisan issue, either. Or it should not be, in any case. Many Republicans have acknowledged that the President violated the law with the warrantless wiretap program he authorized. Instead of ensuring accountability, they now want to retroactively change the law to make what he did legal.

If we are to truly have a nation of law, and a government with real checks and balances, Congress must support censure. This is a reasonable first step. When a President decides the laws do not apply to him, he must be reminded that indeed they do.

And if you follow the link a second time (or more) you can easily send your letter to more than one newspaper. It remembers what you filled in.

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